Who We Are
Legio XII Fulminata is a national collegiate men’s organization designed to challenge men intellectually, spiritually, and physically, cultivating virtue, valor, and a vision for cultural reformation, civilizational renaissance, and Christian resurgence.
Our Mission
Forging resilient men through the pursuit of physical discipline, mental fortitude, and spiritual growth.
The Program
The Warrior
Every Chapter trains a varying martial arts disciplines such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, Wrestling, and Muay Thai to develop physical discipline, strength, emotional control, and resilience. This is done through partnerships with local martial arts gyms or instructors.
The Shepherd
Every Chapter shapes men to be spiritual shepherds among their peers, firmly grounded in Scripture. This is accomplished through our shared Bible study program Sword & Spirit. Each year focuses on a core theme, drawing lessons from men in Scripture to guide participants in wisdom and holiness.
The Gentleman
Every Chapter teaches men to embody chivalry, honor, and respect in their interactions with others, particularly women. This is done through hosting monthly seminars on gentlemanly conduct, etiquette, and relational skills. Teaching dance skills, and organizing formal dance events at least twice per year. This is done to foster a countercultural standard of masculinity rooted in respect and integrity.
The Outdoorsman
Each Unit equips men with practical skills to survive in the great outdoors and develop self-reliance. Regional Directors organize workshops and skill-building sessions ranging from backpacking, fire building, and shelter building skills. Legio XII believes that the Christian Gentleman encoutering the frontier is an essential aspect to the American heritage.
The Founder's Vision
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."
-Samuel Adams
We envision a renewed America led by young, faithful men who embrace their God-given strengths through rigorous discipline and unwavering commitment. We believe in striving to break the chains of materialism, nihilism, and pornography that have gripped our society. By channeling our innate drives for adventure, courage, and love, we pursue the highest ideals: the glory of God and the selfless service of our neighbors.
Luke Waters
Andriy Pasichnyk
How It All Started
Our group began as a simple college boxing club, a space for young men to build strength and camaraderie. Over time, we expanded into character training, adding activities like accountability partners, dances, and cold plunges, aiming to cultivate discipline and Christian virtues. For a while, it seemed we were on the right path.
But as we grew, we wrestled with a deeper question: what foundation could truly sustain this vision? As other virtue-focused men’s groups like The Boy Scouts collapse, unable to ground themselves in anything lasting, we ultimately realised that our mission could only thrive if rooted in Christ. Without faith as the cornerstone, everything else lacked the depth and permanence we sought.
This turning point gave Legio XII its true identity: a movement calling men out of prolonged adolescence and into lives of purpose, excellence, and faith.
OUr IMpact
Nashville, Tennessee
Naperville, Illinois
Plano, Texas